Friday, July 6, 2018

How to recover a Microsoft outlook 2016 dbx file?

Microsoft outlook 2016 is a very popular email client of our time. Its features supersede the features of the older Microsoft outlook versions by a far margin. Some of the features that make it better include a link to the cloud, more advanced vector graphics, as well as an internalized email address among others.

What is a dbx file?
A dbx file refers to a folder created by Microsoft Outlook 2016. Each set of data or files contained in this folder has the .dbx extension, which distinguishes it from other file extensions. However, sometimes this extension may go missing. In this case, Outlook will recreate the extension.  Remember, if the file is corrupted and you still force it to open, you may cause your Outlook account to malfunction.

Causes of corruption of a dbx file
Before we can advance to recovering a dbx file, we should mention a few things that could lead to its corruption. First of all, the corruption may arise due to a virus from malware. To prevent this, download a certified antivirus or upgrade your existing antivirus program. Ensure that it is up to date. Secondly, corruption could arise when you invoke the close program command. Note that Microsoft outlook requires you to log out before closing the program or else you stand a risk of corrupting your files accidentally. Last but not least, long large sized files will definitely affect the speed of your outlook account and its performance. Try to keep shorter mails to foster higher speed and performance.

How to recover a dbx file
The recovery process is not as complicated as you may have thought. It mainly revolves around recovering the damaged dbx file, backing it up, and transferring all the relevant data into a new folder. Recovering a Microsoft outlook dbx file requires you to use a dbx repair tool. This tool will not only repair your damaged file, but also restore it.
If you are not able to do this by yourself, use the Microsoft Outlook Support to get in touch with Microsoft support. They will provide the essential steps required to recover your dbx files and much more. Keep in mind that the Microsoft outlook 2016 customer support number (1-888-964-8356) and outlook support phone number change with your location. There are not fixed to one support centre since there are many outlook support phone number centres distributed all over the globe.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

How to Reduce Microsoft Outlook Mailbox Size

People who have always been using outlook mail have at one point in time shared the idea that sometimes, their emailing encounter and experienced is hampered by the presence of too many mails within the email inbox. In that case, the efficiency of their outlook mail has been jeopardised in one way or another. Now this call for a solution in which to reduce the outlook mailbox size. The first thing that will come to your mind as soon as you have an issue is that you will want to contact the Microsoft outlook customer service number (1-888-964-8356) which is correct.

How do we, therefore, reduce the size of outlook mailbox?

In order to reduce the outlook mailbox size, the first thing that you need to think about is basically move all the mails into your archive folder. However there is a step by step procedure which you can follow. Le have a look at the procedure. The first step is going to the auto archive button. From this button, you can select the ‘auto-archive’ button. This is a preference which will allow you automatically save your emails in a folder within your drive.

Secondly use the default button to select a period which you want. Within this default, select the period in which you want the auto archive to last. When this period elapses, you will decide on whether to renew the settings again. If this becomes difficult, use the Microsoft outlook support number to contact the customer care representatives on the way forward. The representative will help you resolve the issue with excess emails in your outlook mail inbox.

The third step is basically applying the changes you have made in the email settings. When you have applied the changes, your outlook mail inbox will always download all you messages to the folder of the hard drive of your computer. With that you issues with mail inbox being full will be over.

On the other hand, instead of calling the Microsoft outlook support number (1-888-964-8356), you also need to remove attachments from emails so that you outlook mail inbox does not become over loaded. Many a times, when we wonder why outlook email are so full yet the outlook memory space is said to be so huge. This is an issue yes, but it should not put you off to a point where you cannot enjoy your experience with outlook emailing.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Microsoft outlook 2016 Customer Services

Microsoft outlook 2016 is one of the platforms which we can all testify to being the best platform for outlook administrative work. However there are a number of instances when we need the help of a Microsoft outlook 2016 agent and this is the time when will try locating Microsoft outlook 2016 customer number so that we can contact the customer care agents for both technical and general issues. Even with the fact that Microsoft outlook 2016 customer support is available, it is important for us to look at some of the issues we face hence calling the Microsoft outlook 2016 support (+1-888-964-8356).

The first issue that we normally call the Microsoft outlook 2016 support number to query is how to get the outlook 2016 upgraded. Considering that outlook 2016 should be constantly upgraded, some of the users have found challenges and difficulties when trying to upgrade their Microsoft outlook 2016. Some of these issues are technical and it warrants for the need to contact the MS outlook technical team through the Microsoft outlook 2016 customer number. However, to some, upgrading is a very simple thing that can be done in minutes.

The other issue that people or users call to ask is how to install Outlook with a product key. Sometimes, when installing outlook using a product key, it becomes a challenge basically because the product key could be too long and confusing. The confusion is normal and with the presence of Microsoft outlook 2016 customer number (+1-888-964-8356), you can always call and ask the way forward as far as installing using the MS Outlook product key is concerned. The best thing to do at such an instance is looking for a MS outlook customer care number and asking or share whatever you feel is barring you from enjoying MS Outlook products.

Troubleshooting while installing Outlook with Microsoft Outlook 2016 is also another challenge the normally befalls us. When installation becomes a problem, the next thing that comes to mind in the need to trouble shoot. Trouble shooting is basically sending a query with the aim of getting an answer online or from the Microsoft platform without the need to call the customer support agents. However, whenever we trouble shoot, sometimes, we cannot proceed towards the right end. This is where the dead-end sets in but it never the end because all you need to remember is the Microsoft outlook 2016 support number (+1-888-964-8356).