Wednesday, July 4, 2018

How to Reduce Microsoft Outlook Mailbox Size

People who have always been using outlook mail have at one point in time shared the idea that sometimes, their emailing encounter and experienced is hampered by the presence of too many mails within the email inbox. In that case, the efficiency of their outlook mail has been jeopardised in one way or another. Now this call for a solution in which to reduce the outlook mailbox size. The first thing that will come to your mind as soon as you have an issue is that you will want to contact the Microsoft outlook customer service number (1-888-964-8356) which is correct.

How do we, therefore, reduce the size of outlook mailbox?

In order to reduce the outlook mailbox size, the first thing that you need to think about is basically move all the mails into your archive folder. However there is a step by step procedure which you can follow. Le have a look at the procedure. The first step is going to the auto archive button. From this button, you can select the ‘auto-archive’ button. This is a preference which will allow you automatically save your emails in a folder within your drive.

Secondly use the default button to select a period which you want. Within this default, select the period in which you want the auto archive to last. When this period elapses, you will decide on whether to renew the settings again. If this becomes difficult, use the Microsoft outlook support number to contact the customer care representatives on the way forward. The representative will help you resolve the issue with excess emails in your outlook mail inbox.

The third step is basically applying the changes you have made in the email settings. When you have applied the changes, your outlook mail inbox will always download all you messages to the folder of the hard drive of your computer. With that you issues with mail inbox being full will be over.

On the other hand, instead of calling the Microsoft outlook support number (1-888-964-8356), you also need to remove attachments from emails so that you outlook mail inbox does not become over loaded. Many a times, when we wonder why outlook email are so full yet the outlook memory space is said to be so huge. This is an issue yes, but it should not put you off to a point where you cannot enjoy your experience with outlook emailing.

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